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Fall 2020 - MGF1107

Class' Notes (Click here for access)

You can find the syllabus on Canvas. You will use Canvas and MyLabsPlus on almost daily basis. Canvas contains your pre-class assignments (due before each class, yes even before our first class). The second system is MyLabsPlus, you will complete your homework here and you can see the textbook here.
You can find the class schedule (with all the due dates) on the syllabus. Keep track of the due dates! It is your responsibility to submit all the assignments on time (it's my responsibility to grade them in timely matter). No extensions will be given.
Send me an email if you have any question but make sure to start the email with your name, class and the class' section.

Advice from former students:

Brush up on basic statistics like fallacies and probability. Also, brush up on algebra so that you know how to do the necessary operations. It's important for you to understand the reasoning behind each unit in an equation so that you know what it is you're solving for and why these units are important. Many of the equations in this course are similar, which is why this is incredibly important. Understand why something is being multiplied or divided, and why it's being considered as a percentage rather than a decimal and vice versa. Also, take good notes during and after your lectures. Pay attention to the professors, ask good questions, read the lesson before class so that you're more prepared and can keep up with your lessons, and do the homework. I found that the homework assignments were the best way to understand the lesson. Do them as much as you can, and don't be afraid to ask questions. If you're on Zoom, have the mic on the whole time so that you can shoot off a question at a moment's notice. Be assertive, and don't let the class or the resounding silence intimidate you. You are the one trying to learn, so use your resources wisely and don't forget that you're there for a reason. Your money gives you the right to speak out in class and ask questions. It gives you the right to approach your professor or even pause the lecture to make your frustrations known. On another note, the book is free for the first 14 days, which gives you ample time to gather your money and purchase the book. You have a choice between the online book or a physical book, and they both can be purchased in the FIU Barnes and Noble's book store over $100. That said, I recommend you take advantage of that book as much as you can because it's YOU who will be purchasing it. Book Advances are loans taken from your financial aid. You'll have to pay them back eventually, so use your resources wisely. Finally, the online platform you'll be using outside of Canvas is one of your best resources. The assignments may be tedious, but they are a goldmine of the information and practice you need to take the exams. Don't be intimidated by the workload, since everything is easy to complete at the end of the day, just schedule yourself in a way that you know you'll be comfortable and stick to that schedule. The professors are reasonable, so always feel free to reach out to them if you are having any issues that may affect your performance in class or you ability to turn in an assignment.
Valeria Linares (Fall 2020)
Doing all of the assigned homework and paying attention during class should set any student up for an A. What really helped me learn the material was actively participating in the breakout room assignments.
Make sure you attend class and do the pre-class assignments because they make everything so much easier
Sierra W.
Figure out a set schedule within the week in which you do your lab hours and do your homework simultaneously, and plan at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Also, join the class group chat and make sure to make friends with your peers in your group.
Everything should be fine as long as you do the work. You can understand any lesson by paying attention in class and/or reading the textbook. The concepts are pretty straightforward and it’s really a practice makes perfect sort of situation. If you ever don’t understand anything, don’t be to shy to ask one of the LAs cause they can be very helpful as well as your group mates. It’s also important to manage your time properly so you can finish all the assignments on time as well as your lab hours since those are easy As.
Jonathan G.