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Following are instructions how to setup and use a Chrome extension if you need to periodically transfer grades from Canvas to MLP or from an excel file to MLP. You can also see who dropped your class and who isn't registered to MLP. This extension also allows to transfer overall grades from MLP to Canvas for Midterm grades. Please contact me on my email if you experience any issues.

You will have to use Chrome for all the steps below.

Disclaimer: This Chrome extension stores the following information on your computer: Canvas class names, a list of assignments you select in Canvas -> Grades, a list of your students’ Panther ID and Canvas user ID. This extension does not send any student data out of your computer, it doesn’t store student names and their IDs (it only stores the IDs). The extension reads student grades (Canvas) and their emails (PantherSoft). This data is saved in the memory only and is erased if you close Chrome. I don’t recommend using this on your personal computer. Please use this extension only on your work computer.

The code of the extension is available on GitHub:

Do only once on a computer

Do only once per class

Copy grades to MLP