Journal Articles

Selected Peer-reviewed Publications

* Post-doctoral; ** Graduate student advised; *** Undergraduate

  1.  **T Islam, EB Zeleke, M Afroz, AM Melesse, 2025. A Systematic Review of Urban Flood Susceptibility Mapping: Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, and Other Modeling Approaches, Remote Sensing 17 (3), 524
  2. **EB Zeleke, AM Melesse, P Zhu, et al. 2025. Spatial variability and relative influence of seasonal rainfall drivers in Ethiopia, Theoretical and Applied Climatology 156 (131),
  3. **H Belay, AM Melesse, G Tegegne, H Tamiru 2025. Identifying Flood Source Areas and Analyzing High-Flow Extremes Under Changing Land Use, Land Cover, and Climate in the Gumara Watershed, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Climate 13 (7).
  4. *Y Bayissa, R Srinivasan, J Hunink, D Nyolei, S Moges, DA Costa, Melesse, A.M Evaluating the potential of Nature-based solutions to mitigate land use and climate change impacts on the hydrology of the Gefersa and Legedadi watersheds in Ethiopia, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 57 (2025), 102130
  5. **DY Wodebo, AM Melesse, TA Woldesenbet, K Mekonnen, A Amdihun, …2025. Comprehensive performance evaluation of satellite-based and reanalysis rainfall estimate products in Ethiopia: For drought, flood, and water resources applications, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 57 (2025), 102150.
  6. **Haile, B., Melesse, AM., and Tegegne, G., Evaluation and comparison of the performances of the CMIP5 and CMIP6 models in reproducing extreme rainfall in the Upper Blue Nile basin of Ethiopia, Theoretical Applied Climatology,
  7. **Deribe MM, Melesse AM, Kidanewold BB, Dinar S, Anderson EP. Assessing International Transboundary Water Management Practices to Extract Contextual Lessons for the Nile River Basin. Water. 2024; 16(14):1960.
  8. **Admas M, Melesse AM, Tegegne G. Predicting the Impacts of Land Use/Cover and Climate Changes on Water and Sediment Flows in the Megech Watershed, Upper Blue Nile Basin. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(13):2385.
  9. **AO Aga, Melesse, AM. , 2024. An alternative soil erodibility estimation approach for data-scarce regions: a case study in Ethiopian Rift Valley Lake BasinJournal of Sedimentary Environments, 1-12 2024
  10. **P Lukas, Melesse, AM. , T Kenea, 2024. Predicting reservoir sedimentation using multilayer perceptron -Artificial neural network model with measured and forecasted hydrometeorological data in Gibe-III reservoir, Omo …, Journal of Environmental Management 359
  11. M Aqnouy, Y Ommane, A Ouallali, A Gourfi, GT Ayele, Y El Yousfi, Melesse, AM.   2024. Evaluation of TRMM 3B43 V7 precipitation data in varied Moroccan climatic and topographic zones, Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, 1-17 2024
  12. **H Belay, Melesse, AM. , G Tegegne, 2024. Scenario-Based Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection and Prediction Using the Cellular Automata–Markov Model in the Gumara Watershed, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Land 13 (396) 2024
  13. ZM Nigatu, W You, Melesse, AM.  2024. Drought Dynamics in the Nile River Basin: Meteorological, Agricultural, and Groundwater Drought Propagation, Remote Sensing 16 (5), 919
  14.  **BM Gebeyehu, *G Tegegne, Melesse, AM. 2023. Reliability-weighted approach for streamflow prediction at ungauged catchments, Journal of Hydrology 624, 129935
  15. **Onwuka IS, Scinto LJ, Price RM, Melesse, AM.. 2023. Dynamics of particles and phosphorus in canals of the lower everglades, Florida, USA. Science of The Total Environment. Published online 2023:166508. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166508
  16. Ibrahimou B, Burchfield S, Sun N, et al. 2023 Unplanned hysterectomy: a comprehensive analysis of race, ethnicity, sociodemographic factors, pregnancy complications, and cardiovascular disease risk factorsEthnicity & Health. 2023;0(0):1-15. doi:10.1080/13557858.2023.2249273
  17. Kebede, L.; Temesgen, M.; Fanta, A.; Kebede, A.; Rockström, J.; Melesse, AM. . Effect of Locally Adapted Conservation Tillage on Runoff, Soil Erosion, and Agronomic Performance in Semiarid Rain-Fed Farming in Ethiopia. Land 2023, 12, 593.
  18. **Jemberie, M.A.; Melesse, AM..; Abate, B. Urban Drainage: The Challenges and Failure Assessment Using AHP, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Water 2023, 15, 957.
  19. **F Peña, J Obeysekera, R Jane, F Nardi, C Maran, A Cadogan, F de Groen, Melesse, AM. 2023. Investigating compound flooding in a low elevation coastal karst environment using multivariate statistical and 2D hydrodynamic modeling, Weather and Climate Extremes, 100534
  20. **Admas, M.; Melesse, A.M.; Abate, B.; Tegegne, G. Impacts of Best Management Practices on Runoff, Soil Loss, and Sediment Yield in the Megech Watershed, Ethiopia. Water 2023, 15, 788.
  21. **Lukas, P., Melesse, AM., and Kenea, TT., 2023, Prediction of Future Land Use/Land Cover Changes Using A Coupled CA-ANN Model in the Upper Omo–Gibe River Basin, Ethiopia, Remote Sensing, 15 (4), 1148,
  22.  *Tegegne, G., Melesse, A.M. 2023. Multimodel ensemble projection of precipitation over South Korea using the reliability ensemble averaging. Theor Appl Climatol 151, 1205–1214 (2023).
  23. DN Reio, RM Price, AM Melesse, M Ross, 2023. Quantification of Evapotranspiration and Water Chemistry in a Remediated Wetland in Everglades National Park, USA, Water 15 (4), 611
  24.  **BM Gebeyehu, AK Jabir, G Tegegne, AM Melesse, 2023. Subbasin Spatial Scale Effects on Hydrological Model Prediction Uncertainty of Extreme Stream Flows in the Omo Gibe River Basin, Ethiopia, Remote Sensing 15 (3), 611
  25. **H Belay, Melesse, AM, G Tegegne, 2022,Merging Satellite Products and Rain-Gauge Observations to Improve Hydrological Simulation: A Review, Earth 3 (4), 1275-1289
  26. Z Kayhomayoon, S Ghordoyee-Milan, A Jaafari, N Arya-Azar, Melesse, AM, …, 2022. How does a combination of numerical modeling, clustering, artificial intelligence, and evolutionary algorithms perform to predict regional groundwater levels?, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 203, 107482
  27. TG Andualem, M Yibeltal, DA Malede, Melesse, AM, FT Teshome, …, 2022. Assessment of Agricultural Land Suitability for Surface Irrigation Using Geospatial Techniques in the Lower Omo Gibe Basin, Ethiopia, Water 14 (23), 3887
  28. KH Gonfa, T Alamirew, Melesse, AM, 2022. Hydro-Climate Variability and Trend Analysis in the Jemma Sub-Basin, Upper Blue Nile River, Ethiopia, Hydrology 9 (12), 209
  29. **M Admas, Melesse, AM, B Abate, G Tegegne, 2022. Soil Erosion, Sediment Yield, and Runoff Modeling of the Megech Watershed Using the GeoWEPP Model, Hydrology 9 (12), 208
  30. *Khabat Khosravi,Ali Golkarian,Patricia M. Saco,Martijn J. BooijORCID Icon &Melesse, AM, 2022. Model Identification and Accuracy for Estimation of Suspended Sediment Load
    Geocarta International, 1-27
  31. **Abiy, A.Z.; Wiederholt, R.P.; Lagerwall, G.L.; Melesse, A.M.; Davis, S.E. 2022. Multilayer Feedforward Artificial Neural Network Model to Forecast Florida Bay Salinity with Climate Change. Water 202214, 3495.
  32. Seka, A.M., Zhang, J., Prodhan, F.A. et al. 2022. Hydrological drought impacts on water storage variations: a focus on the role of vegetation changes in the East Africa region. A systematic review. Environ Sci Pollut Res 29, 80237–80256 (2022).
  33. **Woldegebrael, S.M.; Kidanewold, B.B, AM Melesse, 2022. Seasonal Flow Forecasting Using Satellite-Driven Precipitation Data for Awash and Omo-Gibe Basins, Ethiopia, Remote Sensing 14 (4518) 2022
  34. **HZ Tedla, AT Haile, DW Walker, AM Melesse, 2022. Evaluation of factors affecting the quality of citizen science rainfall data in Akaki catchment, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Journal of Hydrology 612 (128284)
  35. **AA Biratu, B Bedadi, SG Gebrehiwot, AM Melesse, TH Nebi, W Abera, … 2022.
    Impact of Landscape Management Scenarios on Ecosystem Service Values in Central Ethiopia, Land 2022, 11, 1266.
  36. **KE Tadesse, AM Melesse, AA Awas, HB Lakew, 2022. Evaluation of Merging Method for CHIRP Satellite Rainfall Estimate Over Wabi Shebelle River Basin, Ethiopia,
    Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing,
  37. Ayele, G.T.; Seka, A.M.; Taddese, H.; Jemberrie, M.A.; Ndehedehe, C.E.; Demissie, S.S.; Awange, J.L.; Jeong, J.; Hamilton, D.P.; Melesse, A.M. 2022. Relationship of Attributes of Soil and Topography with Land Cover Change in the Rift Valley Basin of
    Ethiopia. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3257.
  38. **Woldegebrael, S.M.; Kidanewold, B.B.; Melesse, A.M. 2022. Development and Evaluation of a Web-Based and Interactive Flood Management Tool for Awash and
    Omo-Gibe Basins, Ethiopia. Water 2022, 14, 2195.
  39. P Rangsiwanichpong, AM Melesse, 2022. Analyzing the Benefit-Cost Ratio of Sediment Resources by Remote Sensing Data in the Ping River Basin, Thailand, Water 14 (2071)
  40. **KE Tadesse, AM Melesse, A Abebe, HB Lakew, P Paron, 2022. Evaluation of Global Precipitation Products over Wabi Shebelle River Basin, Ethiopia, Hydrology 9 (5), 66.
  41. **E Bisrat Zeleke, Melesse, A.M, BB Kidanewold, 2022. Assessment of Climate and Catchment Control on Drought Propagation in the Tekeze River Basin, Ethiopia, Water 14 (1564).
  42. B Ghasemian, H Shahabi, A Shirzadi, N Al-Ansari, A Jaafari, M Geertsema, Melesse, AM., S K Singh, A Ahmad, 2022. Application of Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm in Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in a Mountain Area, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 657.
  43. *Khosravi, K., Golkarian, A., Melesse, A.M., Deo, R. Suspended sediment load modeling using advanced hybrid Rotation Forest based Elastic Network approach, Journal of Hydrology, in-press
  44. **K Mekonnen, AM Melesse, TA Woldesenbet, 2022. Merging satellite rainfall estimates and daily rain gauge observations for improved flood simulation in MelkaKuntire catchment, upper Awash Basin, Ethiopia, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 25, 100701
  45. *K Khosravi, ZS Khozani, AM Melesse, BM Crookston, 2022. Intelligent flow Discharge computation in a rectangular channel with free overfall condition, Neural Computing and Applications, 1-16
  46. **F Peña, F Nardi, AM Melesse, J Obeysekera, F Castelli, RM Price, T Crowl, 2022. Compound flood modeling framework for surface–subsurface water interactions, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22 (3), 775-793.
  47. **AA Biratu, B Bedadi, SG Gebrehiwot, AM Melesse, TH Nebi, W Abera, 2022. Ecosystem Service Valuation along Landscape Transformation in Central Ethiopia, Land 11 (500)
  48. ZM Nigatu, D Fan, W You, AM Melesse, L Pu, X Yang, X Wan, Z Jiang, 2022. Crop production response to soil moisture and groundwater depletion in the Nile Basin based on multi-source data, Science of The Total Environment, 154007.
  49. A Mosavi, M Golshan, S Janizadeh, B Choubin, AM Melesse, AA Dineva, 2022. Ensemble models of GLM, FDA, MARS, and RF for flood and erosion susceptibility mapping: a priority assessment of sub-basins, Geocarto International 37 (9), 2541-2560
  50. **Dersseh MG, Steenhuis TS, Kibret AA, Eneyew BM, Kebedew MG, Zimale FA, Worqlul AW, Moges MA, Abebe WB, Mhiret DA, Melesse AM and Tilahun SA   (2022) Water Quality Characteristics of a Water Hyacinth Infested Tropical Highland  Lake: Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Front. Water 4:774710. doi: 10.3389/frwa.2022.774710.
  51. **K Mekonnen, AM Melesse,  TA Woldesenbet, 2022. Merging satellite rainfall estimates and daily rain gauge observations for improved flood simulation in MelkaKuntire catchment, upper Awash Basin, Ethiopia, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 25, 100701
  52. S Schismenos, D Emmanouloudis, GJ Stevens, ND Katopodes, Melesse, A.M. 2022. Soil governance in Greece: A snapshot, Soil Security 6 (100035).
  53. **F Peña, F Nardi, Melesse, A.M, J Obeysekera, 2021. Assessing geomorphic floodplain models for large scale coarse resolution 2D flood modelling in data scarce regions, Geomorphology 389, 107841 2021
  54. Ayele, G.T.; Kuriqi, A.; Jemberrie, M.A.; Saia, S.M.; Seka, A.M.; Teshale, E.Z.; Daba, M.H.; Ahmad Bhat, S.; Demissie, S.S.; Jeong, J.; Melesse, A.M. Sediment Yield and Reservoir Sedimentation in Highly Dynamic Watersheds: The Case of Koga Reservoir, EthiopiaWater 202113, 3374.
  55.  **K Mekonnen, Melesse, A.M, TA Woldesenbet, 2022. How suitable are satellite rainfall estimates in simulating high flows and actual evapotranspiration in MelkaKunitre catchment, Upper Awash Basin, Ethiopia? Science of The Total Environment 806, 150443
  56. H Tao et al. 2021. Artificial intelligence models for suspended river sediment prediction: state-of-the art, modeling framework appraisal, and proposed future research directions, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 15 (1), 1585-1612.
  57. M Panahi et al. 2021. Corrigendum to “Cumulative infiltration and infiltration rate prediction using optimized deep learning algorithms: A study in Western Iran”[J. Hydrol. Reg. Stud. 35 (2021) 100825], Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 100950
  58. L Zhang, J Chanussot, Melesse, A.M, X Li, 2021. Special Section Guest Editorial: Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data Processing and Applications, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 15 (4), 042401
  59. Bian, L.; Melesse, A.M.; Leon, A.S.; Verma, V.; Yin, Z. 2021. A Deterministic Topographic Wetland Index Based on LiDAR-Derived DEM for Delineating Open-Water Wetlands. Water, 13, 2487, https://
  60. **Moncada, M.; Melesse, A.M.; Vithanage, J.; Price, R.M. 2021. Long-Term Assessment of Surface Water Quality in a Highly Managed Estuary Basin. Int. J. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 9417.
  61. *Bayissa, Y.; Melesse, A.M; Bhat, M.; Tadesse, T.; Shiferaw, A. Evaluation of Regional Climate Models (RCMs) Using Precipitation and Temperature-Based Climatic Indices: A Case Study of Florida, USA. Water 2021, 13, 2411.
  62. **Agumase K. Tefera, Abraham Bayeh Wassie, Berhanu G. Sinshaw, Dessalew T. Defersha, Tesfahun Aleka Takele, Simir Birhan Atanaw, Aniley T. Tesfaye, Edmealem Getu, Habtamu M. Fenta, Haimanot B. Atinkut, Temesgen Enku, Dejene Sahilu, AMelesse, A.M 2021. Groundwater quality evaluation of the alluvial aquifers using GIS and water quality indices in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Groundwater for Sustainable Development 14 (100636) 2021
  63. D Bekele, T Alamirew, A Kebede, G Zeleke, Melesse, A.M 2021, Modeling the impacts of land use and land cover dynamics on hydrological processes of the Keleta watershed, Ethiopia, SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT 7 (1), 1-14 2021
  64. **MA Jemberie, Melesse, A.M, 2021. Urban Flood Management through Urban Land Use Optimization Using LID Techniques, City of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Water 13 (1721)
  65.  **Mekonnen, K., Melesse, A.M., Woldesenbet, TA., 2021Effect of temporal sampling mismatches between satellite rainfall estimates and rain gauge observations on modelling extreme rainfall in the Upper Awash Basin, Ethiopia, Journal of Hydrology,Vol 598, 126467.
  66.  *Bayissa Y, Moges S, Melesse, A.M, Tadesse T, Abiy AZ, Worqlul A. Multi-Dimensional Drought Assessment in Abbay/Upper Blue Nile Basin: The Importance of Shared Management and Regional Coordination Efforts for Mitigation. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(9):1835.
  67.  Mahdi Panahi, Mahdi Panahi, Khabat Khosravi, Khabat Khosravi, Sajad Ahmad
    Chang-Wook Lee, Melesse, A.M., Chang-Wook Lee, 2021. Cumulative Infiltration and Infiltration rate prediction using optimized deep learning algorithms: A study in Western Iran, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 35(1–4)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100825.
  68.  M Tesfaye, S Moges, Melesse, AM, Z Agide, 2021., Long-term water–energy–food security and resources sustainability: a case study of Ethiopia by 2030 and 2050
    International Journal of Energy and Water Resources, 1-14.
  69.  *G Tegegne, Melesse, A.M, 2021. Comparison of Trend Preserving Statistical Downscaling Algorithms Toward an Improved Precipitation Extremes Projection in the Headwaters of Blue Nile River in Ethiopia, Environmental Processes 8 (1), 59-75.
  70.  **AA Biratu, B Bedadi, SG Gebrehiwot, T Hordofa, DK Asmamaw, Melesse, A.M. 2021. Implications of land management practices on selected ecosystem services in the agricultural landscapes of Ethiopia: a review, International Journal of River Basin Management, 1-18.
  71.  Z Nigatu, D Fan, W You, Melesse, A.M, 2021. Hydroclimatic Extremes Evaluation Using GRACE/GRACE‐FO and Multidecadal Climatic Variables over the Nile River Basin, Remote sensing 13, 651.
  72.  *M Hajigholizadeh, A Moncada, S Kent, Melesse, AM, 2021. Land–Lake Linkage and Remote Sensing Application in Water Quality Monitoring in Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA, Land 10 (2), 147.
  73.  **AA Gessesse, Melesse, A.M, AZ Abiy, 2021. Land use dynamics and base and peak flow responses in the Choke mountain range, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
    International Journal of River Basin Management 19 (1), 109-121.
  74.  AN Samani, M Farzin, O Rahmati, S Feiznia, GA Kazemi, G Foody, Melesse, A.M. 2021. Scrutinizing Relationships between Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Upstream Areas Using Thermal Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Northern Persian Gulf, Remote Sensing 13 (3), 358.
  75. Esmali Ouri, A.; Golshan, M.; Janizadeh, S.; Cerdà, A.; Melesse, A.M. 2020. Soil Erosion Susceptibility Mapping in Kozetopraghi Catchment, Iran: A Mixed Approach Using Rainfall Simulator and Data Mining Techniques. Land 2020, 9, 368.
  76. Band, S.S.; Janizadeh, S.; Chandra Pal, S.; Saha, A.; Chakrabortty, R.; Melesse, A.M.; Mosavi, A., 2020. Flash Flood Susceptibility Modeling Using New Approaches of Hybrid and Ensemble Tree-Based Machine Learning Algorithms. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3568.
  77. Band, S.S.; Janizadeh, S.; Pal, S.C.; Chowdhuri, I.; Siabi, Z.; Norouzi, A.; Melesse, A.M.; Shokri, M.; Mosavi, A., 2020. Comparative Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Models for Accurate Estimation of Groundwater Nitrate Concentration. Sensors 2020, 20, 5763.
  78. Melesse, A.M.; Khosravi, K.; Tiefenbacher, J.P.; Heddam, S.; Kim, S.; Mosavi, A.; Pham, B.T. 2020. River Water Salinity Prediction Using Hybrid Machine Learning Models. Water 2020, 12, 2951.
  79. **K Mekonnen, Melesse, A.M, TA Woldesenbet, 2020. Spatial evaluation of satellite-retrieved extreme rainfall rates in the Upper Awash River Basin, Ethiopia, Atmospheric Research 249, 105297.
  80. A Mosavi, M Golshan, S Janizadeh, B Choubin, Melesse, A.M, AA Dineva, 2020. Ensemble models of GLM, FDA, MARS, and RF for flood and erosion susceptibility mapping: a priority assessment of sub-basins, Geocarto International, 1-16.
  81. *G Tegegne, Melesse, A.M, DH Asfaw, AW Worqlul, 2020, Flood Frequency Analyses over Different Basin Scales in the Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia, Hydrology 7 (3), 44, 2020.
  82.  *G Tegegne, Melesse, A.M, T Alamirew, 2020. Projected changes in extreme precipitation indices from CORDEX simulations over Ethiopia, East Africa, Atmospheric Research, 105156, 2020.
  83. *G Tegegne, Melesse, A.M, 2020. Multimodel Ensemble Projection of Hydro-climatic Extremes for Climate Change Impact Assessment on Water Resources, Water Resources Management, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-020-02601-9
  84. G Ayehu, T Tadesse, B Gessesse, Y Yigrem, Melesse, A.M, 2020. Combined Use of Sentinel-1 SAR and Landsat Sensors Products for Residual Soil Moisture Retrieval over Agricultural Fields in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Sensors 20 (3282)
  85. *WG Alemu, GM Henebry, Melesse, A.M, 2020. Land Cover and Land Use Change in the US Prairie Pothole Region Using the USDA Cropland Data Layer, Land 9 (166) 2020.
  86. **MG Dersseh, SA Tilahun, AW Worqlul, MA Moges, WB Abebe, DA Mihret, Melesse, A.M. 2020. Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Water Hyacinth and Its Linkage with Lake-Level Fluctuation: Lake Tana, a Sub-Humid Region of the Ethiopian Highlands, Water 12 (1435)
  87. **Surafel M. Woldegebrael, Berhanu, B, Melesse, A.M, 2020. Rainfall and Flood Event Interrelationship – A Case Study of Awash and Omo-Gibe Basins, Ethiopia
    International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 11(1):332-343
  88. **Osore, A, Melesse, A.M. Chane, B. 2020. An Alternative Empirical Model to Estimate Watershed Sediment Yield Based on Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Basin in Data-Scarce Rift Valley Lake Regions, Ethiopia. Geoscience, 10(31), 10.3390/geosciences10010031
  89.  **Correction: Aga, A.O. , Melesse, A.M., Chane, B.. Estimating the Sediment Flux and Budget for a Data Limited Rift Valley Lake in Ethiopia. Hydrology 2019, 6, 1–23.
  90. **Enku, T.,Melesse, A.M., Ayana, E., Tilahun, S., Abate, M., and Steenhuis. T. 2020. Groundwater Use of a Small Eucalyptus Patch During the Dry Monsoon Phase, Biologia, 75, 853–864.
  91. Shahabi, H.; Shirzadi, A.; Ghaderi, K.; Omidvar, E.; Al-Ansari, N.; Clague, J.J.; Geertsema, M.; Khosravi, K.; Amini, A.; Bahrami, S.; Rahmati, O.; Habibi, K.; Mohammadi, A.; Nguyen, H.; Melesse, A.M.; Ahmad, B.B.; Ahmad, A. Flood Detection and Susceptibility Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Remote Sensing Data and a Machine Learning Approach: Hybrid Intelligence of Bagging Ensemble Based on K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier,Remote Sensing 12(266):1-30
  92. *Tegegne, G.,  Melesse, A.M.,   Worqlul, AW. 2019. Development of multi-model ensemble approach for enhanced assessment of impacts of climate change on climate extremesScience of The Total Environment, 135357, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135357
  93. Shawul, AA, Chakma, S., Melesse, A.M. 2019. The response of water balance components to land cover change based on hydrologic modeling and partial least squares regression (PLSR) analysis in the Upper Awash Basin, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 26 (100640).
  94. **Gebreslassie, HG, Melesse, A.M, Gebremariam, AG. 2019. Double-stage linear spectral unmixing analysis for improving accuracy of sediment concentration estimation from MODIS data: the case of Tekeze River, Ethiopia, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 1-10
  95.  *Alemu, W., Henebry, G., Melesse, A.M. 2019. Land Surface Phenologies and Seasonalities in the US Prairie Pothole Region Coupling AMSR Passive Microwave Data with the USDA Cropland Data Layer, Remote Sensing 11 (2550).
  96. *Alemu W.G. & Melesse, A.M., Impacts of Long-term Conservation Measures on Ecosystem Services in Northwest Ethiopia, International Soil and Water Conservation Research,
  97. **Dersseh, M.G.; Kibret, A.A.; Tilahun, S.A.; Worqlul, A.W.; Moges, M.A.; Dagnew, D.C.; Abebe, W.B.;Melesse, A.M., 2019. Potential of Water Hyacinth Infestation on Lake Tana, Ethiopia: A Prediction Using a GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Technique. Water 201911, 1921.
  98.  **Gesesse, A.A. Melesse, A.M., Abera. F. Abiy. AZ. 2019. Modeling Hydrological Responses to Land Use Dynamics, Choke, Ethiopia, Water Conservation Science and Engineering, 4(4): 201-212. DOI: 10.1007/s41101-019-00076-3.
  99. Lee, S.; Panahi, M.; Pourghasemi, H.R.; Shahabi, H.; Alizadeh, M.; Shirzadi, A.; Khosravi, K.; Melesse, A.M.; Yekrangnia, M.; Rezaie, F.; Moeini, H.; Pham, B.T.; Bin Ahmad, B. 2019. SEVUCAS: A Novel GIS-Based Machine Learning Software for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3495.
  100.  **Gebreslassie, H., Melesse, A.M., Bishop, K., Gebreyohannes, A.G 2019. Linear spectral unmixing algorithm for modeling suspended sediment concentration of flash floods, upper Tekeze River, Ethiopia, Int. J. of Sediment Research, in press,
  101.  **Abbas, MM, Melesse, A.M., Scinto, LJ, Rehage, JS. 2019. Satellite Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Sensor in Shallow Coastal Water Bodies: Validation and Improvement, Water, in press
  102. Nohani, E., Moharrami, M., Sharafi, S., Khosravi, K., Pradhan, B., Thai Pham, B., Lee, S., Melesse, A.M. 2019. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Different GIS-based Bivariate Models, Water 2019, 11, 1402; doi:10.3390/w11071402
  103. Tien Bui, D., khosravi, K., Shahabi, H., Daggupati, P., Adamowski, JF, Melesse, A.M, Thai Pham, B., Pourghasemi, HR., Mahmoudi, M., Bahrami, S., Pradhan, B., Shirzadi, A., Chapi, K., Lee, S., 2019. Flood spatial modeling in northern Iran using remote sensing and GIS: A comparison between evidential belief functions and their ensemble with multivariate logistic regression models, Remote Sens.2019,11, 1589; doi:10.3390/rs11131589
  104. Arabameri, A., Yamani, M., Pradhan, B., Melesse, A.M., Shirani, K., Tien Bui, D., 2019. Novel ensembles of COPRAS Multi-criteria decision-making with logistic regression, boosted regression tree, and random forest for spatial prediction of gully erosion susceptibility, Science of The Total Environment, 688:903-916
  105. ** Abiy, A.Z.; Melesse, A.M.; Abtew, W. 2019. Teleconnection of Regional Drought to ENSO, PDO, and AMO: Southern Florida and the Everglades. Atmosphere 2019, 10, 295.
  106. Rahmati, O., Samadi, M., Shahabi, H., Azareh, A., Rafiei-Sardooi, E., Alilou, H., Melesse, A.M., Pradhan, B., Chapi, K., Shirzadi, A., 2019. SWPT: An automated GIS-based tool for prioritization of sub-watersheds based on morphometric and topo-hydrological factors, Geoscience Frontiers,
  107. **AZ Abiy, Melesse, A.M., W Abtew, D Whitman 2019. Rainfall trend and variability in Southeast Florida: Implications for freshwater availability in the Everglades, PloS one 14 (2), e0212008
  108. **Dessu, S.,Melesse, A.M., Bhat, M, Seid, A., Debebe, S., McClain, M.2019. Development and Application of Priority Rated Optimization Model (PROM) for Multi-Sector Water Resource Management SystemEnvironmental Modelling and Software,   DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.11.014
  109. **Osore, A, Melesse, A.M. Chane, B. 2019. Modeling Sediment Flux and Budget of a Data Limited Rift Valley Lake in Ethiopia, Hydrology 6 (1), doi:10.3390/hydrology6010001
  110. Bekele, D, Tena Alamirew, Asfaw Kebede, Gete Zeleke, Melesse, A.M., 2018. Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics in the Keleta Watershed, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia, Environmental Hazards, DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2018.1561407
  111. **Aga,  A. O, Chane, B.,Melesse, A.M,. 2018. Soil Erosion Modelling and Risk Assessment in Data Scarce Rift Valley Lake Region, Ethiopia, Water , 10, 1684; doi:10.3390/w10111684
  112. Rahmati, R., Naghibi, SA., Shahabi, H., Bui, DT., Pradhan, B., Elham, AA., Aliakbar Nazari Samani, R.,Melesse, A.M, 2018. Groundwater spring potential modelling: comprising the capability and robustness of three different modeling approaches, J. of Hydrology 565: 248-261
  113. Zelelew, DG.,  Melesse, A.M, 2018. Applicability of a Spatially Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model for Watershed Scale Runoff Estimation in Northwest Ethiopia
    Water 10 (923), doi:10.3390/w100709
  114. **Fentaw, F, D Hailu, A Nigussie, Melesse, A.M.  2018. Climate Change Impact on the Hydrology of Tekeze Basin, Ethiopia: Projection of Rainfall-Runoff for Future Water Resources Planning, Water Conservation Science and Engineering, 1-12.
  115. Bekele, D, T Alamirew, A Kebede, G Zeleke, Melesse, A.M 2018. Modeling Climate Change Impact on the Hydrology of Keleta Watershed in the Awash River Basin, Ethiopia, Environmental Modeling & Assessment,
  116. K Khosravi, M Sartaj, FTC Tsai, VP Singh, N Kazakis, Melesse, A.M, 2018. A comparison study of DRASTIC methods with various objective methods for groundwater vulnerability assessment, Science of The Total Environment 642, 1032-1049.
  117. **Hajigholizadeh, M., Melesse, A.M. and Fuentes, HR, 2018. Raindrop-Induced Erosion and Sediment Transport Modelling in Shallow Waters: A Review, J Soil Water Sci 2018, 1(1):15-25
  118. Omid Rahmati, Aiding Kornejady, Mahmood Samadi, Antonio Donato Nobre, Melesse, A.M. 2018. Development of an automated GIS tool for reproducing the HAND terrain model, Environmental Modelling & Software 102:1-12.
  119.  **Hajigholizadeh, M., Melesse, A.M. and Fuentes, HR, 2018. Erosion and Sediment Transport Modelling in Shallow Waters: A Review on Approaches, Models and Applications, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 15, 518; doi:10.3390/ijerph15030518
  120. Zelelew, D.G., Ayimute, T.A. & Melesse, A.M.. 2018. Evaluating the Response of In Situ Moisture Conservation Techniques in Different Rainfall Distributions and Soil-Type Conditions on Sorghum Production and Soil Moisture Characteristics in Drought-Prone Areas of Northern Ethiopia, Water Conserv Sci Eng, pp 1-11.
  121. ** Abera, Fikru F.,  Asfaw, DH.,  Engida. AN and Melesse, A.M. 2018. Optimal Operation of Hydropower Reservoirs under Climate Change: The Case of Tekeze Reservoir, Eastern Nile, Water, 10, 273; doi:10.3390/w10030273
  122. ** Gholizadeh, HM, Melesse, A.M. 2017. Study on Spatiotemporal Variability of Water Quality parameters in Florida Bay Using Remote Sensing,  J Remote Sensing & GIS 2017, 6:3 DOI: 10.4172/2469-4134.1000207
  123. **Tibebe, M., Melesse, A.M,. Hailu, D., 2017. Rainfall-Runoff Relation and Runoff Estimation for Holetta River, Awash subbasin, Ethiopia using SWAT model, Int. Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 9(5): 102-112.
  124. Alemu, M. L., Geset, M., Mosa, H. M., Zemale, F. A., Moges, M. A., Giri, S. K., Tillahun, S. A., Melesse, A.M., Ayana, E. K., and Steenhuis, T. S. (2017) Spatial and Temporal Trends of Recent Dissolved Phosphorus Concentrations in Lake Tana and its Four Main Tributaries. Land Degrad. Develop., 28: 1742–1751. doi: 10.1002/ldr.2705.
  125. **Abiy, A., Melesse, A.M., 2017 Evaluation of Watershed Scale Changes in Groundwater and Soil Moisture Storage with the application of GRACE Satellite Imagery data, Catena, 153: 50-60,
  126.  ** Gholizadeh, HM, Melesse, A.M. 2017 The Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Variations in Surface Water Quality of South Florida Using Discriminant Analysis and Cluster Analysis,Catena, 151:247–258,
  127.  **Enku,T., Melesse, A.M., Admasu, S., Ayana, E., Abate, M., Steenhuis, T. 2017. Surface-groundwater interactions in sub-humid monsoon climate: The Lake Tana floodplain, Ethiopia, Land Degrad. Develop. 28: 1831–1841
  128.  **Tara Blakey , Melesse, A.M. 2016. , Michael C. Sukop, Georgio Tachiev, Dean Whitman, and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, 2016. Developing benthic class specific, chlorophyll-a retrieving algorithms for optically-shallow water using SeaWiFS, Sensors, 16, 1749; doi:10.3390/s16101749
  129.  Daniel Bekele, Tena Alamirew, Asfaw Kebede, Gete Zeleke, . Melesse, A.M., 2017. Analysis of rainfall trend and variability for agricultural water management in Awash River Basin, Ethiopia, Journal of Water and Climate Change;  8 (1) 127-141; DOI: 10.2166/wcc.2016.044
  130. **Gholizadeh, M.H,  Melesse, A.M., Reddi, L..  2016. A Comprehensive Review of Water Quality Assessment Using Remote Sensing Techniques, Sensors 16(8):129, doi:10.3390/s16081298.
  131. Omid Rahmati, Melesse, A.M., 2016. Application of Dempster–Shafer theory, spatial analysis and remote sensing for groundwater potentiality and nitrate pollution analysis in the semi-arid region of Khuzestan, Iran, Science of the Total Environment, 568: 1110–1123,
  132.  **Gholizadeh, M.H,  Melesse, A.M., Reddi, L.. 2016. Water quality assessment and apportionment of pollution sources using APCS-MLR and PMF receptor modeling techniques in three major rivers of South FloridaScience of the Total Environment, 566-567: 1552–1567,
  133. Sandoval, E., Price, R.M., Whitman, D., Melesse, A.M 2016.  Long-Term (11 Years) Study of Water Balance, Flushing Times and Water Chemistry of a Coastal Wetland Undergoing Restoration, Everglades, Florida, USA, Catena 144:74-83.
  134. **Mohammed, H., Melesse, A.M, Zeleke, G., Alamirew, T.,2016. Streamflow prediction uncertainty analysis and verification of SWAT model in a tropical watershed, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(9), 1-16
  135. **Gholizadeh, M.H,  Melesse, A.M., Reddi, L..  2016. Application of Spaceborne and Airborne Sensors in Water Quality Assessment,  Int. J. of Remote Sensing, 37(14): 3143-3180.
  136. **Gholizadeh, M.H,  Melesse, A.M., Reddi, L.. 2016 Discriminant analysis application in spatiotemporal evaluation of water quality in South Florida, J. of Hydroinformatics, 18 (6) 1019-1032; DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2016.023
  137.  **Kandel, H., Melesse, A.M.., Whitman, D. 2016. Urban Heat Island Delineation using Radiosonde Profiles and Landsat Imagery in South Florida,
    Int. J. of Remote Sensing, 36(10):2141-2165
  138.  **Birhanu, B., Seleshi, Y, Demessie, S., Melesse, A. 2016. Bias Correction and Characterization of Climate Forecast System Reanalysis Daily Precipitation in Ethiopia Using Fuzzy Overlay. Met. Apps. doi: 10.1002/met.1549.
  139.  Omid Rahmati, Hamid Reza Pourghasemi, Melesse, A.M, 2015. Application of GIS based data driven random forest and maximum entropy models for groundwater potential mapping, CATENA 137:360–372
  140. **Birhanu, B., Seleshi, Y, Demessie, S., Melesse, A.M. 2015. Flow Regime Classification and Hydrological Characterization of Ethiopian Rivers, Water  7, 3149-3165; doi:10.3390/w7063149.
  141. Gebere, S., Alamirew, T., Merkel, B, M.,  Melesse, A.M . 2015. Performance of High Resolution Satellite Retrieved Rainfall Products over Data Scarce Complex Terrain of Eastern Ethiopia, Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 11639-11663; doi:10.3390/rs70911639.
  142. **Mohammed, H., Alamirew, T., Assen, M., Melesse, A.M 2015 Modeling of sediment      yield in Maybar gauged watershed using swat, northeast Ethiopia, Catena, 127,       191–205.
  143. **Blakey, T, Melesse, A.M , Cecile S. Rousseaux. 2015. Toward connecting subtropical algal blooms to freshwater nutrient sources using a long-term, spatially distributed, in situ chlorophyll-a record, Catena 133, 119-127.
  144.  **Blakey, T, Melesse, A.M , Hall, M. 2015. Supervised Classification of Benthic Reflectance in Shallow Subtropical Waters Using a Generalized Pixel-Based Classifier across a Time Series, Remote Sens. 2015, 7(5), 5098-5116; doi:10.3390/rs70505098
  145. **Cereon, C., Melesse, A.M., Price, R., Dessu, S.B, Kandell, H. 2015.  Operational   Actual Wetland Evapotranspiration Estimation for the Everglades Using  MODIS Imagery, Remote Sens. 7(4): 3613-3632; doi:10.3390/rs70403613, pdf
  146.  Ehsan Olyaiea, Hossein Banejad, Melesse, A.M., K.W.Chau. 2015. A comparison of various softcomputing approaches performance for estimating suspended sediment load of river systems, Environ Monit Assess (2015) 187:189, DOI 10.1007/s10661-015-4381-1.
  147. M Mekonnen, S D Keesstra, J E Baartman, C J Ritsema,  AM Melesse  2015. Evaluating sediment storage dams: structural off-site sediment trapping measures in northwest Ethiopia, Cuadernos de  Investigación Geográfica, 41(1): 7-22, DOI: 10.18172/cig.2643.
  148. **Mohammed, H., Alamirew, T., Assen, M., Melesse, A.M. 2015. Detecting land               use/land cover changes in Lake Hayq drainage basin: 1957 to 2007, Lakes  & Reservoirs: Research and Management,  20(1):1-18.
  149.  Ayana, EK, WD Philpot, AM Melesse, TS Steenhuis 2015. Assessing the potential of MODIS/Terra version 5 images to improve near shore lake bathymetric surveys, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 36, 13-21
  150.  Lagomasino, D, RM Price, D Whitman, AM Melesse, SF Oberbauer 2014. Spatial and temporal variability in spectral-based surface energy evapotranspiration measured from Landsat 5TM across two mangrove ecotones, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.11.017
  151.  Lagomasino, David, Rene M. Price, Dean Whitman,  Petya K.E. Campbell, AM Melesse. 2014. Estimating major ion and nutrient concentrations in two  coastal mangrove estuaries using leaf and satellite reflectance, Remote Sensing of Environment, 154: 202–218
  152. Orville P. Grey, Dale F. St. G. Webber, Shimelis G.  Setegn, Melesse, A.M., 2013. Application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT Model) on a  Small   Tropical Island State (Great River Watershed, Jamaica) as a tool in Integrated Watershed and Coastal Zone Management,  International   Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 62(3): 293-305.
  153.  **Assegid, Y., Melesse, A.M., Naja, G.M. 2015. Spatiotemporal Relationship of Phosphorus    Dynamics and  Groundwater fluctuation, Hydrological Processes, 29: 6, 1188–1197.
  154. *Setegn, S., Melesse, A.M., Grey, Haiduk. A., O.,Webber, D, Wang, X., McClain, M. 2014. Spatiotemporal distribution of fresh water availability in the Rio Cobre Watershed, Jamaica, CATENA, 120: 81-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2014.04.005
  155. **Behulu, F., Setegn, S., Melesse, A.M, Romano, E., Fiori A. 2014. Impact of Climate change on the Hydrology of Upper Tiber River Basin Using Bias Corrected Regional Climate Model, Water Resources Management, 1 – 17 doi: 10.1007/s11269-014-0546-x
  156. Ambachew S., Alamirew, T., Melesse, A.M, 2014.Performance of Mungbean to Deficit Irrigation Application under Semiarid Highlands of Ethiopia, Agricultural Water Management 136 (2014) 68–74.
  157. **Dessu, S. B., Melesse, A.M., Bhat, M., McClain, M. 2014 Assessment of Water Resources Availability and Demand in the Mara River Basin, CATENA 115 104–114.
  158. **Berhe, F., Melesse, A.M, Hailu, D., Seleshi, Y.2013. MODISM based Water  allocation modeling  of the Awash River basin, Catena, 109: 118–128.DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2013.04.007
  159. Michael E McClain, Amanda L Subalusky, Elizabeth P Anderson, Shimelis Behailu Dessu, Melesse, A.M ., Preksedis M Ndomba, Joseph OD Mtamba, Rashid A Tamatamah, Cosmas Mligo , 2014 Comparing flow regime, channel hydraulics and biological communities to infer flow-ecology relationships in the Mara River of Kenya and Tanzania, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI:10.1080/02626667.2013.853121
  160. **Berhe, Melesse, A.M., F., Fanta, A., Alamirew, T., 2013 Characterization of the effect of tillage practices on furrow irrigation hydraulics and soil water storage,Catena (110): 161-175, DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2013.06.003.
  161. **Mohammed, H., Alamirew, A., Assen, M., Melesse, A.M 2013. Bathymetery Study of Lake Haik, Ethiopia, Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 18(2): 155–165, DOI: 10.1111/lre.12024.
  162. **Enku, T., Melesse, A.M, 2013. A simple temperature method for the estimation of evapotranspiration, Hydrological Processes, 28 (6): 2945 – 2960 doi: 10.1002/hyp.9844
  163. ** Maalim, Fukhrudin K., Melesse, A.M., 2013. Modeling the impacts of subsurface drainage systems on Runoff and Sediment Yield in the Le Sueur Watershed, Minnesota, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 1–17.
  164. ** Maalim, F. K., Melesse, A.M., Belmont, P., , Gran, K., 2013 Modeling the impact of land use changes on runoff and sediment yield in the Le Sueur Watershed, Minnesota using GeoWEPP, Catena 107 (2013) 35–45.
  165. **Berhanu, B., Melesse, A.M. Silesh, Y. 2013. GIS-based hydrological zones and soil geo-database of Ethiopia, CATENA, 104: 21–31.
  166. **Chebud, Y., Melesse, A.M. 2012. Spatiotemporal surface-groundwater interaction simulation in South Florida, Water Resour Manage. 26(15), 4449-4466, DOI 10.1007/s11269-012-0156-4.
  167. **Dessu, S, B., Melesse, A.M., 2012. Impact and Uncertainties of Climate change on the Hydrology of the Mara River Basin, Hydrological Processes, 27(20): 2973–2986, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9434.
  168. **Berhe, F., Fanta, A., Alamirew, T., Melesse, A.M. 2012, The effect of tillage practices on and water use efficiency and grain yield, Catena 100: 128–138.
  169. **Behulu, F., Melesse A.M, Romano, E., Fiori A. 2012. Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation and Temperature for the Upper Tiber Basin (Central Italy), DOI: 10.5772/52890: Int. J Water Sciences, Vol. 1, 3:1-14.
  170. **Mohammed, H., Alamirew, A., Assen, M., Melesse, A.M. 2012. Generation of Lake Hardibo Bathymetry Using Sonar, Northeast Ethiopia, International Journal of Water Science, DOI: 10.5772/52886: Int. J Water Sciences, Vol. 1, 1:1-9.
  171. **Haile E. Getachew, Melesse, A.M, 2012. Impact of Land Use /Land Cover Change on the Hydrology of Angereb Watershed, Ethiopia, International Journal of Water Science, DOI: 10.5772/56266, Vol. 1, 4:1-7.
  172. **Chebud, Y., G.M. Naja, R. Rivero, Melesse, A.M 2012. Water quality monitoring using a remote sensing and artificial neural network, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 223(8): 4875-4887. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-012-1243-0
  173. **Defersha, M, Melesse, A.M. 2012. Field-scale investigation of the effect of land use on sediment yield and surface runoff using runoff plot data and models in the Mara River basin, Kenya, CATENA 89: 54-64, doi:10.1016/j. CATENA.2011.07.010
  174. **Defersha, M., Melesse, A.M. 2012. Effect of rainfall intensity, slope and antecedent moisture content on sediment concentration and sediment enrichment ratio, CATENA, 90 (2012) 47–52.
  175. **Dessu. S.B, Melesse, A.M. 2012. Modeling the Rainfall-Runoff process of the Mara River Basin using SWAT, Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9205, 26(26): 4038–4049.
  176. **Behulu, F., Setegn, G., Melesse, A.M., and Fiori A. 2012. Hydrological analysis of the Upper Tiber Basin: A Watershed Modeling Approach, Hydrological Processes, 27(16): 2339–2351 DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9234).
  177. **Chebud, Y., Melesse, A.M. 2012. Stage Level, Volume, and Time-frequency change information content of Lake Tana using Stochastic Approaches, Hydrological Processes, 27(10): 1475–1483 DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9291
  178. Gala.T.S., Melesse, A.M., 2012. Monitoring Prairie Wet Area with an integrated LANDSAT ETM+, RADARSAT 1 SAR and Ancillary data from LIDAR, CATENA 95 (2012) 12–23.
  179. **Defersha, M., Melesse, A.M, McClain, M. 2012. Watershed scale application of WEPP and EROSION 3D models for assessment of potential sediment source areas and runoff flux in the Mara River Basin, Kenya, CATENA 95: 63–72.
  180.  Wondie, M., Schneider, W., Melesse, A.M., and Teketay, D. 2012. Relationship among Environmental Variables and Land Cover in the Simen Mountains National Park, a World Heritage Site in Northern Ethiopia. International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications (IJRSA) Vol.2 Iss. 2, pp 36-43.
  181. ** Defersha, M. B., Quraishi, S.,  Melesse, A.M. 2011. The effect of slope steepness and antecedent moisture content on interrill erosion, runoff and sediment size distribution in the highlands of Ethiopia, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 2367- 2375, doi:10.5194/hess-15-2367-2011.
  182. **Mango, L., Melesse, A.M, M. E. McClain, D. Gann, and S. G. Setegn, 2011. Land use and climate change impacts on the hydrology of the upper Mara River Basin, Kenya: Results of a modeling study to support better resource management, Special Issue: Climate, weather and hydrology of East African Highlands, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 2245-2258, doi:10.5194/hess-15-2245-2011.
  183. **Chebud, Y., Melesse, A.M 2011 Operational Prediction of Groundwater Fluctuation in South Florida using Sequence based Markovian Stochastic Model, Water Resources Management, 25(9): 2279-2294, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-011-9808-z
  184. *Setegn, S., David Rayner, Melesse, A.M., Bijan Dargahi, Ragahavan Srinivasan, 2011 Impact of climate change on the hydro-climatology of Lake Tana basin, EthiopiaWater Resour. Res., VOL. 47, W04511, 13 PP., 2011 doi:10.1029/2010WR009248.
  185. Melesse, A.M., Ahmad, S., McClain, M., Wang, X., Lim, H., 2011 Sediment Load prediction in Large Rivers: ANN Approach, Agricultural Water Management 98: 855–866.
  186. Wondie, M., Schneider, W., Melesse, A.M., and Teketay, D. 2011. Spatial and Temporal Land Cover Changes in the Simen Mountains National Park, a World Heritage Site in Northwestern Ethiopia, Remote Sens. 2011, 3, 752- 766; doi:10.3390/rs3040752.
  187. Wang, X., Shiyou Shang, Zhongyi Qu, Tingxi Liu, Melesse, A.M 2010 Simulated Wetland Conservation-Restoration Effects on Water Quantity and Quality at Watershed Scale, J. of Environmental Management, 91(7): 1511-1525.
  188. Wang, X., Tingxi Liu, Shiyou Shang, Dawen Yang,  Melesse, A.M 2010 Estimation of Design Discharge for an Ungauged Overflow Receiving Watershed Using One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model, International Journal of River Basin Management (JRBM), 8(1):79-92.
  189. *Setegn, S.G., Bijan Dargahi, B., Srinivasan, R., Melesse, A.M. 2010. Modelling of Sediment Yield from Anjeni Gauged Watershed, Ethiopia Using SWAT, JAWRA, 46(3): 514-526.
  190. Melesse, A., Abtew, W., Desalegne, T. 2009. Evaporation estimation of Rift Valley Lakes in Ethiopia: Comparison of Models, Sensors 9(12), 9603-9615; doi:10.3390/s91209603.
  191. Melesse, A.M, Athanasios G. Loukas, Gabriel Senay, Muluneh Yitayew, 2009. Climate change, land-cover dynamics and ecohydrology of the Nile River Basin,Hydrological Processes, Special Issue: Nile Hydrology 23(26): 3651- 3652.
  192. Melesse, A.M, Abtew, W., Desalegne, T. and Wang, X. 2009. Low and High Flow Analysis and Wavelet Application for Characterization of the Blue Nile River System, Hydrological Processes, 24(3): 241 – 252.
  193. **Chebud, Y.A., Melesse, A.M, 2009.Numerical Modeling of the Groundwater Flow System of the Gumera Sub-Basin in Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia, Hydrological Processes, Special Issue: Nile Hydrology 23(26): 3694-3704.
  194. *Setegn, S.G., Srinivasan, R., Dargahi1 ,B., Melesse, A.M, 2009. Spatial Delineation of Soil Erosion Prone Areas: Application of SWAT and MCE Approaches in the Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia, Hydrological Processes, Special Issue: Nile Hydrology 23(26): 3738-3750.
  195. Abtew, W., Melesse, A.M., Desalegn, T. 2009. El Niño Southern Oscillation link to the Blue Nile River Basin hydrology, Hydrological Processes, Special Issue: Nile Hydrology, 23(26): 3653-3660.
  196. *Setegn, S.G., Srinivasan, R., Melesse, A.M, Dargahi1 ,B., 2009. SWAT model application and prediction uncertainty analysis in the Lake Tana Basin, EthiopiaHydrological Processes, 24(3): 357 – 367.
  197. **Stiefel, J., Melesse, A.M., McClain, M., Price, R.M., Anderson, A.P., Chauhan, N.K. 2009. Effects of rainwater harvesting induced artificial recharge on the groundwater of wells in Rajasthan, India, Hydrogeology Journal 17(8): 2061-2073.
  198. **Chebud, Y.A., Melesse, A.M, 2009. Modeling Lake Stage and Water Balance of Lake Tana, Ethiopia, Hydrological Processes, 23(25): 3534-3544.
  199. Abtew, W., Melesse, A.M, Desalegn, T 2009. Spatial, inter and intra-annual variability of the Blue Nile River Basin Rainfall, Hydrological Processes, 23(21): 3075-3082.
  200. Wang, X., Shang, S. Yang,W.,  Melesse, A.M, 2008. Simulation of an Agricultural Watershed Using an Improved Curve Number Method in SWAT, Tans. of American Society of Agri. and Bio. Engineers, 51(4): 1323-1339.
  201.  Wang, X., Yang, W., Melesse, A.M, 2008. Using hydrologic equivalent wetland concept within SWAT to estimate streamflow in watersheds with numerous wetlands, Tans. of American Society of Agri. and Bio. Engineers, Vol. 51(1): 55-72.
  202. Melesse, A.M, Weng, Q., Thenkabail, P., Senay, G. 2008. Remote Sensing Sensors and Applications in Environmental Resources Mapping and Modeling, Special Issue: Remote Sensing of Natural Resources and the Environment, Sensors, 7, 3209-3241.
  203. Senay, G.B., J. P. Verdin, R. Lietzow, Melesse, A.M. 2008. Global Daily Reference Evapotranspiration Modeling and ValidationJ. of the Amer. Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 44(4):969-979.
  204.  Melesse,A.M., Jayachandran, K., Zhang, K. 2008. Modeling Coastal Eutrophication at Florida Bay using neural networks. Journal of Coastal Research, 24:190–196
  205.  Melesse, A.M, Frank, A, Nangia, V., Liebig, M and Hanson, J. 2008. Analysis of Energy Fluxes and Land Surface Parameters in Grassland Ecosystem: Remote Sensing Perspective, Int. Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(11): 3325 – 3341.
  206. Melesse, A, Nangia, V. Wang, X., McClain, M. 2007. Wetland Restoration Response Analysis using MODIS and Groundwater Data ,Special Issue: Remote Sensing of Natural Resources and the Environment, SENSORS, 7: 1916-1933
  207. Senay, G.B, , M. Budde, J.P. Verdin, Melesse, A.M. 2007. A Coupled Remote Sensing and Simplified Energy Balance Approach to Estimate Actual Evapotranspiration from Irrigated Fields, Special Issue: Remote Sensing of Natural Resources and the Environment, SENSORS 7, 979-1000
  208. Wang, X., Melesse, A.M. McClain, M. 2007. Water quality changes as result of coalbed methane development in a Rocky Mountain watershed, J. of American Water Resources Association 43 (6): 1383-1399
  209. Wang, X., Melesse, A.M and Yang, W. 2006. Influences of Potential Evapotranspiration Estimation Methods on SWAT’s Hydrologic Simulation in a Northwestern Minnesota Watershed. Transactions of the ASAE. 49(6): 1755-1771.
  210. Wang, Xixi, Melesse, A.M. Kelsch, S.W., and Yang, W 2006. DISCUSSION: “Adapting Existing Models to Examine Effects of Agricultural Conservation Programs on Stream Habitat Quality,” by F. Douglas Shields, Jr., Eddy J. Langendoen, and Martin W. Doyle. J. of American Water Resources Association 42(6):1711-1713.
  211. Wang, Xixi, Melesse, A.M., Yang, W., 2006. Development of a Multivariate Regression Model for Soil Nitrate-Nitrogen Content Prediction, J. of Spatial Hydrology 6(2): 38-56.
  212. Melesse, A.M., Wang X. 2006. Multi-temporal scale hydrograph prediction using Artificial Neural Networks, J. of American Water Resources Association 42(6): 1647-1657.
  213. Melesse, A.M., Nangia, V., Wang, X., 2006, Hydrology and Water Balance of Devils Lake Basin: Part 1. Hydrometeorological Analysis and Lake Surface Area Mapping,J. of Spatial Hydrology, 6(1): 120-132.
  214. Melesse, A. M., Nangia, V., Wang, X., 2006. Hydrology and Water Balance of Devils Lake Basin: Part 2. Grid-Based Spatial Surface Water Balance Modeling J. of Spatial Hydrology, 6(1): 133-144.
  215. **Oberg, J., Melesse, A.M. 2006. Evapotranspiration Dynamics at an Ecohydrological Restoration Site: An Energy Balance and Remote Sensing Approach, J. of American Water Resources Association 42(3): 565-582.
  216.  Wang, Xixi, Melesse, A.M 2006. Effects of STATSGO and SSURGO as Inputs on SWAT Model’s Snowmelt Simulation, J. of American Water Resources Association Vol. 42 (5): 1217-1236.
  217. Melesse, A.M., J. Oberg, O. Beeri, Nangia, V., Baumgartner, D.2006, Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Evapotranspiration and Vegetation at the Glacial Ridge Prairie Restoration, Hydrological Processes, 20(7): 1451-1464.
  218. Wang, Xixi, Melesse, A.M. 2005 Evaluations of the SWAT Model’s Snowmelt Hydrology in a Northwestern Minnesota Watershed. Trans. of ASAE 48(4): 1359 –1376.
  219. Melesse, A. M., Hanley, R. 2005. Artificial Neural Network Application for Multi-Ecosystem Carbon Flux Simulation, Ecological Modeling 189: 305–314.
  220.  Melesse, A.M, Nangia, V., 2005. Spatially distributed surface energy flux estimation using remotely-sensed data from agricultural fields.Hydrological Processes 19 (14): 2653-2670.
  221. Melesse, A. M., Hanley, R., 2005, Energy and Carbon Flux Coupling: Multi- ecosystem Comparisons Using Artificial Neural Network, American Journal of Applied Sciences 2 (2): 491-495.
  222. Melesse, A. M., W. D. Graham 2004. Storm runoff prediction using spatially distributed travel time concept utilizing remote sensing and GIS.J. of American Water Resources Association 40(4): 863-879.
  223. Melesse, A.M 2004. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of land surface parameters in the Red River of the North Basin. Physics and Chemistry of Earth, 29: 795-810. (Special Issue: Anthropogenic impacts on catchment processes)
  224. Melesse, A.M 2004. DEM-RS-GIS based storm runoff response study of Heart River sub-basin, Missouri River Basin. J. of Environmental Hydrology, No. 4, Vol. 12.
  225. Melesse, A. M., J. D. Jordan 2003. Spatially Distributed Watershed Mapping and Modeling: Land Cover and Microclimate Mapping using Landsat Imagery Part 1, J. of Spatial Hydrology (e-journal), Vol. 3, No. 2.
  226. Melesse, A. M., W. D. Graham 2003. Spatially Distributed Watershed Mapping and Modeling: GIS-Based Storm Runoff Response and Hydrograph Analysis Part 2, J. of Spatial Hydrology (e-journal), Vol. 3, No. 2.
  227. Melesse, A. M., S. F. Shih, 2002. Spatially Distributed Storm Runoff Depth Estimation using Landsat Images and GISComputers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 37: 173 – 183.
  228. Melesse, A. M., J. D. Jordan, 2002. A Comparison of Fuzzy vs. Augmented-ISODATA Classification Algorithm for Cloud and Cloud-shadow Discrimination in Landsat Imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68(9): 905-911.
  229. Melesse, A. M., S. F. Shih, 2000. Remote Sensing and GIS Database for Runoff  Curve Number Change Assessment. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida Proceedings, Vol. 59: 141-146.
  230.   Melesse, A.M., Hailu, N., 1997. Soil as a building material: A study to improve aggregate stability and comprehensive strength of earthen materials. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Vol. 28(3):  68-71.