तत् सवितुर्वरेण्यं | भर् गो देवस्य धीमहि | धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् || (ऋग्वेद ३.६२.१०)
Prof. Ram's (Ramsamujh) FIUnix01 Homepage
Office: DM 419E, Telephone: 305-348-2929, Fax: 305-348-6158,
Zoom Meeting ID: 722 280 1561 , e-mail: ramsamuj@fiu.edu
Math Dept page link Abbreviated C.V.
Courses for SPRING 2025
Final Exam for Graph Theory is on Thursday, Apr. 24rd, 2025 from 09:45am - 11:45am in PC 211.
(FINAL EXAM TIME is NOT YET confirmed by FIU.)
2. Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (Cl #11462) in PC 211 - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Sp 2025)
Regular Class Time is 12:30pm - 1:45pm; Tue. & Thu.
Textbook: An Introd. to Formal Languages & Automata (7th Edition) by Peter Linz (2022).
Exam #1 for Theory of Algorithms is on Thursday, Feb. 20th, 2025 during regular class time in PC 211.
Exam #2 for Theory of Algorithms is on Thursday, Apr. 10th, 2024 during regular class time in PC 211.
Final Exam for Theory of Algorithms is on Tuesday, Apr. 22nd, 2024 from 12:00pm - 02:00pm in PC 211.
(FINAL EXAM TIME is NOT YET confirmed by FIU.)
Prof. Ram's Office hours: 2:15pm - 4:15pm Tuesdays & Thursdays in DM 419E.
------------Miss Karen
1. Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (Cl #81960) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2023)
Regular Class Time is 09:30 am - 10:45 am; Tue, Thu. FIU Classes begin on Mon. Aug. 21st, 2023.
Textbook: An Introd. to Formal Languages & Automata (7th Edition) by Peter Linz (2022).
Exam #1 for Theory of Algorithms is on Thursday, Oct. 05th, 2023 during regular class time in PC 214.
Exam #2 for Theory of Algorithms is on Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 2023 during regular class time in PC 214.
Final Exam for Theory of Algorithms is on Tuesday, Dec. 05th, 2023 from 09:45am - 11:45am in PC 214
(FINAL EXAM TIME is NOT YET confirmed by
2. Intro to Combinatorics: MAD 4203.U01(Cl #81951) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2023)
Regular Class Time is 11:00 am - 12:15 pm; Tue, Thu. FIU Classes begin on Mon. Aug. 21st, 2023.
Textbook: Introductory Combinatorics (5th Edition) by Richard A. Brualdi (2010).
Exam #1 for Intro to Combinatorics is on Thursday, Oct. 05th, 2023 during regular class time in PC 214 .
Exam #2 for Intro to Combinatorics is
on Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 2023 during regular class
time in PC 214.
Final Exam
for Combinatorics is on Thursday, Dec. 7th, 2023 from 09:45am
- 11:45am in PC 214.
(FINAL EXAM TIME is NOT YET confirmed by FIU.)
3. Intro to Adv. Math: MAA 3200.U01 (Cl #81959) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2023)
Regular Class Time is 2:00 am - 3:15 pm; Tue, Thu. FIU Classes begin on Mon. Aug. 21st, 2023.
Textbooks: #1 How to Prove it (Third Edition), by Daniel Velleman (2019) and
#2 Introduction to Analysis (Fifth Edition) by Edward Gauaghan (1998).
Exam #1 for Intro to Adv. Math is on Thursday, Oct. 05th, 2023 during regular class time in PC 214.
Exam #2 for Intro to Adv. Math is on
Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 2023 during regular class
time in
PC 214.
Final Exam for Intro to Adv. Math is on Thursday, Dec.
07th, 2023 from 12:00pm - 2:00pm in
PC 214.
(FINAL EXAM TIME NOT YET is confirmed by FIU.)
Prof. Ram's Office hours: 12:45pm - 1:45pm & 3:30pm - 4:45pm ?? Tue & Thu. in DM 419E
The Learning Assistant for MAD 3512 is Miss -----
Courses for SPRING 2026 (Not yet scheduled)
--------------------------------------------------------FIU Fall 2021 Repopulation Aug 13th, 2021
FIU Panther Book Pack Information
Every student is automatically enrolled for the Panther Book Pack (https://onestop.fiu.edu/bookpack/) at the
time that you register for classes. The program will cover your textbooks for each course at a charge of $20
per credit hour.
We suggest that you compare this to the cost of all your required course
If this total is higher than the Panther Book Pack Cost, you can opt out at any point from the day
you receive your Panther Book Pack email - usually until THREE days after the add/ drop date
(sometime during the second week of classes) that is on the Academic Calendar for that term.
Please check with the bookstore for the exact deadline before you get stuck & have to pay.
All students must opt out if they do not wish to participate. You may opt-out via MyFIU by--------------------------------------------------------
Class Notes for
Several Classes
class notes are available for some classes. Just click and check on the page for
"class notes."
1. Axiomatic
Set Theory 2. Graph
Theory 3.
Intro to Advanced Math 4. Intro
to Combinatorics
5. Linear
Algebra 6. Mathematical
Logic 7. Theory of
Algorithms 8. Differential
Puzzles& Games - Fun stuff for when you might be
Tutoring Services:
DISCLAIMER: The data in this homepage is considered accurate but is not guaranteed. In this age of computer hackers
there is also no guarantee that someone may not have tampered with the contents. So if there is anything that looks fishy,
or if there are last minute cancellations or changes to test dates, please check with Professor Ram first, before acting on
that information. Professor Ram is not known for making last minute changes - and will only do so if absolutely necessary.
If there is ever any need for any such change he will announce it in class - and also write it on the white board.
Class Notes for Several
Hand-written class
notes are available for some classes. Just click and check on the page for
"class notes."
1. Axiomatic
Set Theory 2. Graph
Theory 3.
Intro to Advanced Math 4. Intro
to Combinatorics
5. Linear
Algebra 6. Mathematical
Logic 7. Theory of
Algorithms 8. Differential
Puzzles& Games - Fun stuff for when you might be
Tutoring Services:
DISCLAIMER: The data in this homepage is considered accurate but is not guaranteed. In this age of computer hackers
there is also no guarantee that someone may not have tampered with the contents. So if there is anything that looks fishy,
or if there are last minute cancellations or changes to test dates, please check with Professor Ram first, before acting on
that information. Professor Ram is not known for making last minute changes - and will only do so if absolutely necessary.
If there is ever any need for any such change he will announce it in class - and also write it on the white board.
General information for ALL courses taught at FIU
1. Over-rides for getting into a full class :
(a) We cannot give out over-rides until the first class meeting because we have to ensure that the classroom has space for everyone
to whom we give an over-ride. (The classroom is sometimes listed as TBA and changes are often made just before classes start.).
If you wish to get into a full class, please come to the first class meeting and we will try to accommodate everyone, if possible.
(Over-rides will be given out in the order of your GPA - the students with higher GPAs will get preference. So please bring an informal
of your transcript with you. If you have no transcript, no over-rides
will be given.)
(b) For multi-section courses we cannot give out any over-rides unless all the sections are full. Over-rides can be given out only at
the first class meeting. In order for you to get an over-ride, I need proof that you satisfied the prerequisites for the course - only then will
I be able to give your Name, Panther ID, and the Course Details to the Math Department designated Advisor (currently Prof. John Zweibel)
who is the only one who is allowed to enter this information into the system. Once the advisor does this, you will be able to register.
Please keep in mind that the advisor may have hundreds of over-ride requests to process, so it might take up to 24 hours to get yours into the system.
(c) For courses such as MAD 3512 (which are run every semester) the number of over-rides we can give is restricted - and may be as small as zero.
The number of over-rides we give will depend, in part, on the enrollment in the the course course of the chronologically-next semester of the previous
year. This is because we want to ensure that the course runs each semester. In many cases, the Summer semesters (and sometimes Fall semesters)
get low enrollments. When the enrollment in any semester drops below 20, the course is automatically cancelled & this prevents many (as much as 19)
students from graduating. So sometimes we have to give no over-rides in order to make sure the course runs the next semester.
2. Cancellation of Tests or Quizzes & Rest Room Breaks:
If a TEST or Quiz is cancelled due to a HURRICANE or other emergency, the TEST or Quiz will be given on the first meeting of the class after the
hurricane or emergency. You should check the FIU website (if you have power) or call the FIU hotline (or the Miami-Dade Hurricane emergency hotline)
for the latest updates about hurricanes. If you need to go to the Rest Room while taking a test, you will always be allowed to do so, but after you come
back from the Rest Room, you must finish the rest of the test in a different colored ink, so that it will be clear what you did before going to the Rest Room
and what you did after coming back. If there is a significant difference between the two sets of solutions, your paper will be submitted to the relevant
University Academic body to determine whether or not you committed any misconduct.
3. Make-up Tests:
If you missed the first test in the semester for an allowable, legitimate, verifiable reason you may be able to take a make-up exam as long as you provide
adequate documentation and notify the professor at within two hours of the scheduled exam time. You must take the make up test on the first
opportunity you get to return to school. The allowable reasons are restricted to medical emergencies, traffic accidents in which your car becomes
non-functional on your way to the exam, and deaths in the immediate family (parents, siblings, children). We are not allowed to give make-up tests
for work related issues. As always you must provide documentation. If you miss a quiz or a later exam, you will not get a make-up; your other
scores will instead be used (with their corresponding weights) to produce your final grade.
4. Incomplete
In order to get an incomplete grade, IN, the total points in the tests or quizzes you took must add up to a total at least 50% of the total course points,
ou must have an overall passing grade in the tests and quizzes taken so far, and the reason you missed the Final Exam must be an allowable,
legitimate, verifiable one. The allowable reasons are restricted to medical emergencies, traffic accidents in which your car becomes non-functional on
your way to the exam, and deaths in the immediate family (parents, siblings, children). We are not allowed to give make-up Final Exams for work related issues.
You must also inform (via e-mail or phone) the professor in charge, within two hours of the scheduled Final Exam time, and provide all documentation
before you take the make-up Final Exam. Failure to provide the proper documentation by the end of the first week of the following semester will result
in a zero score in the Final Exam and the grade which that entails. You usually have until the end of the following semester to actually take the make-up
Final exam but you are encouraged to do so as early as possible. Make-up Final Exams cannot be given in the Semester break.
5. Attendance
Class attendance is mandatory but allowances will be made for illnesses, emergencies, and officially sanctioned religious holidays (provided your professor
is notified about at least 2 weeks before such holidays) as long as the total amount of absences do not exceed 40%. If, for whatever reason, you attend
less than 60% of the classes, you will automatically be assigned a failing grade and you may have to pay back the university any subsidy that you received.
(Please check with Registration & Financial Aid about this.) If you anticipate that you will not be able to reach the 60% threshold (because of severe injury,
prolonged illness, or other problems), please inform the registrar as soon as possible and try to get a withdraw or a late drop. Your professor cannot
help you in these circumstances - only the registrars can - and the earlier you tell them about the problem, the better it will be for you.
Medeis ageometretos eisito mou ten stegen. [Let no one who is ignorant of Geometry/Mathematics (unjust) proceed any further.]
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life - is when men are afraid of the light. The beginning is the
most important part of the work. Love is a serious mental disease. Ignorance - the root & the stem of every evil. Plato (427-347 BCE)
Amicus Plato - amicus Aristoteles - magis amica veritas. Plato is my friend - Aristotle is my friend - but my greatest friend is truth.
If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. To explain all nature is too difficult a task for any one man
or even for any one age. 'Tis much better to do a little with certainity, and leave the rest for others that come after you,
than to explain all things by conjecture without making sure of any thing. Isaac Newton (1643-1727)
Napole'on : Ils m'ont dit que vous avez e'crit ce grand livre sur le syste`me de l'univers, et que vous n'avez me^me jamais mentionne' son Cre'ateur.
[They tell me you have written this large book on the system of the universe, and (that you) have never even once mentioned its Creator.]
Laplace (1749-1827): Je n'ai pas besoin de cette hypothe`se la`. [I had no need of that hypothesis.] - apocryphal story by Rouse Ball
The difference between genius and stupidity is (simply this): genius has its limits (stupidity has none). Alexandre Dumas-fils (1824-1895)
Everything should be made as simple as possible but not any simpler. If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, (now) would it?
Science without (the fervor of) religion is lame; religion without (the realization that) science (is the only way to the truth) is blind. A. Einstein (1879-1955)
Es gibt keinen Gott und Dirac ist sein Prophet - There is (definitely) no God and Dirac is His (the true) messenger.
If you are receptive and humble, mathematics will lead you by the hand (to the greatest truths). P.A.M. Dirac (1902-1984)
अर्धाली १: बंदौं प्रथम
महिसुर्चरना |
मोहजनित संसय सब हरना
बालकाण् ड १.३)
अर्धाली २: बिनु सतसंग बिबेक न होई |
रामकृपा बिनु सुलभ न सोई
बालकाण् ड २.४)
Before I commence the
divine tale, I first bow to the feet of the masters of wisdom on earth
because they remove all doubts born out of ignorance.
Wisdom dawns not without the association of the enlightened and such communion is only possible by the grace of the Universal One. Tulsidas (1532-1623)
| पल
कब || (कबीर
Whatever you have to do tomorrow, do today; whatever you have to do today, do (right away) now.
For when the moment has passed, the task at hand can never be done somehow. Kabir Das (1448?-1518?)
Natural Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. But this book cannot be understood
unless one first comprehends (masters) the language of mathematics - for without it, one is doomed to (forever) wander in the darkest labyrinth.
In all questions of science (truth), the authority of a thousand million (believers) is not worth the humble reasoning of a single (rational) individual.
The ancient scriptures teaches us (supposedly) how to go to heaven - not how the heavens go! (paraphrased) Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
[Galileo Galilei believed the Earth revolved around the Sun. For this, he was interrogated by the Inquisition, was put on trial, found guilty and sentenced to
indefinite imprisonment. For renouncing his former beliefs before the Cardinals that judged him, he was allowed to serve this time instead under house-arrest.]
Adv. Calculus (Analysis) I Axiomatic Set Theory Calculus I Calculus II
Calculus III
Equations Discrete
to Adv. Math Introd
Logic Theory of
Algorithms UGrad. Indep. Study
Logic Grad
Real Analysis Grad
Set Theory
Grad. Indep. Study
MISCELLANEOUS STUFF Miscellaneous Puzzles& Games Math Jokes
Math Jokes Math Limericks Video clips
--------------------------------------------------------COURSES FOR
FALL 2024 & SPRING 2025 at FIU
Intro to Adv. Math: MAA 3200.U01 (Cl # ) in PC 214 - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2024)
FALL 2023 & SPRING 2024 at FIU
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (Cl # ) in PC 214 - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2023)
Intro to Combinatorics: MAD 4203.U01(Cl #) in PC 214 - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2023)
Intro to Adv. Math: MAA 3200.U01 (Cl # ) in PC 214 - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2023)
Intro to Adv. Math: MAA 3200.U01 (Cl # ) in PC 214 - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2024)
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (Cl # ) in PC 214 - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2024)
Graph Theory: MAD 3305.U01 (Course #?) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2022)
Intro to Adv. Math: MAA 3200.U01 (Course #?) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2021)
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U0? (Course #?) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2022)
Graph Theory: MAD 3301.U01 (Cl #11576 ) in GC 274 - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2023)
Intro to Adv. Math: MAA 3200.U01 (Cl # 11571) in GC 274 - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2023)
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (Cl # 11577) in GC 278B - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2023)
FALL 2021 & SPRING 2022 at FIU
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U0? (Course #?) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2021)
Intro to Combinatorics: MAD 3305.U01 (Course #?) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2021)
FALL 2020 & SPRING 2021 at FIU
Graph Theory: MAD 3305.U01 (Course #?) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2021)
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U0? (Course #?) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2021)
Intro to Adv. Math: MAA 3200.U01 (Course #?) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2021)
Algebra: MAS 3105.U02 (83110) - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2020)
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (82429)) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2020)
Intro to Combinatorics: MAD 4203.U01(82416) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2020)
FALL 2019 & SPRING 2020 at FIU
Graph Theory: MAD 3305.U01 (11914) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2020)
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (11915) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2020)
Intro to Combinatorics:MAD 4203.U01(82748) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2019)
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (82764) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2019)
Intro to Advanced Math: MAA 3200.U01 (82763) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2019)
& SPRING 2018 at FIU
Differential Equations: MAP 2302.U01 (32887) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2018)
Graph Theory : MAD 3305.U01 (33134) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2018)
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (33137) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2018
Graph Theory : MAD 3305.U01 (99616) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2017)
Intro to Combinatorics:MAD 4203.U01(99644) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Fall 2017)
& SPRING 2017 at FIU
Differential Equations: MAP 2302.U01 (32887) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2017)
Graph Theory : MAD 3305.U01 (33134) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2017)
Theory of Algorithms: MAD 3512.U01 (33137) - Final Exam Scores & Grades (Spring 2017)
Graph Theory : MAD 3305.U01 (82217) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2016)
Combinatorics :MAD 4203.U01 (82303) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2016)
& SPRING 2016 at FIU
Theory of Algorithms : MAD 3512.U01 (12553) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2016)
Graph Theory - MAD 3305.U01 (81983) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2015)
Intro to Combinatorics - MAD 4203.U01 (82092) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2015)
Intro to Advanced Math - MAA 3200.U01 (82121) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2015)
& SPRING 2015 at FIU
Graph Theory MAD 3305.U01 (81724) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2014)
Intro to Combinatorics MAD 4203.U01 (85082) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2014)
Intro to Advanced Math MAA 3200.U01 (90408) - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2014)
MAS 3105.U01 (10454) - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2014)
of Algorithms MAD 3512.U01(10448) - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2014)
Equations MAP 2302.U03 (80572) - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2013)
MAP 2302.U01 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2013)
Graph Theory MAD 3305.U01 - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2013)
MAS 3105.U02 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2013)
Theory of
Algorithms MAD
3512.U01 - Final Exam
Scores and Grades (Fall 2012)
Intro to Advanced Math MAA 3200.U01 - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2012)
I MAC 2311.U17 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2012)
2312.U11 - Final Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2012)
Theory of
Algorithms MAD 3512.U01 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2011)
Calculus MAC 2311.U03 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2011)
Graduate Set Theory MHF 5107.U01 - Independent Study Course (Fall 2011).
& SPRING 2010 at FIU
MAC 2311.U11 -
Final Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2010)
Theory of
MAD 3512.U01 -
Final Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2010)
Theory of
Algorithms MAD 3512 -
Final Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2009)
Calculus II
MAC 2312 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2009)
2008 & SPRING 2009 at FIU:
Theory of
Algorithms MAD 3512 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2009)
Theory MHF 4102 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2009)
History of
Mathematics MHF 3404 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Spring 2009)
Introd to Advanced Math MAA 3200 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2008)
Equations MAP 2302 - Final
Exam Scores and Grades (Fall 2008)
NOTE: Many of the files for old tests and solutions for courses that I am not currently teaching are temporarily removed
because they take up a lot of my allocated webspace. So those links will lead nowhere. I keep the links so I can just
put back the files (and remove others) and then gain access when I teach those particular courses. Also some of the links
n the last group above lead nowhere because this homepage is still (and, probably, will always be) under construction.
Buena suerte y
que dios los bendiga.