MAD 3305 - Graph Theory  

           This will be a remotely taught class for the entire Spring 2021 semester - using Zoom.

           Prof. Ram's Zoom Meeting ID - 722 280 1561.   Waiting Room will be enabled on first day

           and a Passcode will be sent to your official FIU e-mail later on.

           Contains the name of the textbook, prerequisites for the course, relevant sections of the
           textbook, exam policy, schedule of exams, grading scheme, and other pertinent information.

           Homework sheet                           
Contains the list of Homework Problems for the course including the assigned supplementary problems.
           You can find solution to most of the assigned problems in the textbook & in the supplementary HW
           just below under Solutions to Homework Problems.  



            Graph Theory by Ronald Gould, Dover Publications, Inc., 2012.


            Solutions  to the textbook's HW Problems & the Supplementary HW problems

            Actual Homework Questions from the text (14 pages)        

            Ch. 1&2 (p.1-13)        Ch. 3&4 (p.14-21)      Ch. 5,6&8 (p.22-37)      Suppl. Prob. & Sol.

             Review Sheets. 

              Most of the questions in the exams usually come from the topics in the Review sheet

              but this cannot always be so because everything we do cannot always fit on one page.

             Review for Test#1                             Review for Test #2

             The Review for the Final just consists of the Reviews for Tests #1 & #2.


            Modified Class notes.

             Ch.0 - Table of Contents & Preliminaries                                      

             Ch.1 - Basic concepts of Graph Theory

             Ch.2 - Connectedness & Distance in weighted digraphs

             Ch.3 - Trees, Forests, & their applications       

             Ch.4 - Networks and Maximal flows

             Ch.5 - Edge & Vertex traversal problems

             Ch.6 - Planar embeddings of graphs  

             Ch.7 - Colorings & Matching in graphs

             Ch.8 - Infinite Graphs & Digraphs (not included)


            Past Exams. 

             Future exams cannot always be very similar to the past exams because things have to change.

               Spring 2006 Test #1,                             Spring 2006 Test #2

               Fall 2006 Test #1,                                 Fall 2006 Test #2

               Spring 2007 Test#1,                              Spring 2007 Test#2

              Spring 2013 Test #1,                             Spring 2013 Test #2

              Spring 2014 Test #1,                             Spring 2014 Test #2

              Fall 2014 Test #1,                                  Fall 2014 Test #2

              Spring 2015 Test #1,                             Spring 2015 Test #2

               Fall  2015 Test #1,                                 Fall  2015 Test #2

               Spring 2016 Test #1,                             Spring 2016 Test #2              
              Fall  2016 Test #1,                                 Fall  2016 Test #2              
              Spring 2017 Test #1,                              Spring 2017 Test #2               
              Fall  2017 Test #1,                                 Fall  2017 Test #2               
              Spring 2018 Test #1,                             Spring 2018 Test #2               
              Spring 2020 Test #1,                             Spring 2020 Test #2
              Spring 2021 Test #1                              Spring 2021 Test #2
              Spring 2023 Test #1                              Spring 2023 Test #2

             Learning Assistant (or GTA) (Click on the name for a photo - when available)             
             Miss Susanna Peca  <>  is the designated LA for the course.  She may be able to answer a few            
             short e-mail questions that you may have during her designated hours provided she is not currently helping another student.          
             It is preferable
for you to show up on Zoom for her tutoring sessions.  Her available hours and location are as follows.          

Mondays & Wednesdays   at  11:00am - 1:00 pm    and   Fridays   at  11:00pm - 12:00 pm. 
  Remotely via Zoom,  Zoom Meeting ID:  878 867 9310  Waiting Room will be enabled -
             and a Passcode will be sent to your official FIU e-mail later on.

             Tutoring services:
 You can also get help in Mathematics from the FIU Centre for Academic Success, GL 120.
             You can make appointments by calling 305- 348-2441 (MMC).    For more information check out the link below