Florida International University
                                                              50837 MAC 2313 (U01C), Summer C 2020
                                                               MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS

Prerequisites: MAC 2311 and  MAC 2312, each with a grade C or better. This course assumes that you have a basic knowledge of the limit, differentiation, and integration rules.

Note: Keep in mind that this is not an online course per se; the course is held remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. So attendance and class participation are  highly expected;
           those should  help you to keep up with the course contents, and to successfully complete this course.  Also, all students  start quizzes or exams at the same time on Zoom.

Instructor: Dr. Tebou
E-mail: teboul@fiu.edu
Tel: (305) 348-2939     
Office hours: TR: 2:00-3:00  on Zoom
Lectures: TR 11:45:00am-1:55pm  on Zoom 
               (originally VH 133)

Website: faculty.fiu.edu/~teboul/mac2313-sumC20.html
Office: DM 427 Other times: by appointment only. (If you cannot make the
 office hours, you can talk to me, or e-mail me for another meeting on Zoom.)

Free Tutoring: GL 120 (MTWR 0900-2000, F 0900-1700) Tel: 305-348-2441, phone and ask where  the mathematics tutors are holding Zoom tutoring sessions for multivariable calculus.  For more information about math help, click here. 

Communication:  If need be, I will communicate with you through your FIU email account, or through Canvas; so be sure to check those often. Should you have any comments or concerns about the course, be sure to communicate that to me as soon as possible, so that they can be swiftly addressed. 

It is mandatory to attend all class meetings; if you cannot attend at least 90% of class meetings, you're more likely to fail the course. Therefore, it  would be better to officially disenroll now, and take it when you have time to attend class meetings. If  you cannot attend a lecture, it is your responsibility to cover the missed material through the recorded session.

Thomas' Calculus, Multivariable,
14th edition, by   Joel R. Hass, Christopher E. Heil Maurice D. Weir ISBN-13: 978-0134606088 ISBN-10: 0134606086.

The material that I plan to cover includes all sections of chapters 12(Three-dimensional space, vectors), 13(Vector-valued functions), 14(Functions of several variables), 15(Multiple integrals), 16(Topics in vector calculus). The tentative order of material coverage is:  12(all), 14(all), 15(all),  16(all), 13(all). There are 38 sections; so we will try to  cover  as much as possible at least two sections at each class meeting.

For a quick review of integration, click here          For a quick review of algebra and trigonometry, click here

Lecture recordings: All lectures are recorded, so that you can go back and watch whatever portion of the material covered, that you want. However, no portion of the recordings should be uploaded on any social media platform.
Class Rules: 

1) When in attendance, your video must be on at all times, else you'll be removed, and marked absent.
2)  When taking an exam or quiz, your video must be on at all times, and your face and hands must also be visible at all times, else you'll  get a zero. 
3)  Be sure to download the Camscanner app if you do not have it yet. You will have at most 10 minutes to upload your quiz or exam on Canvas, once you have finished. That software, if properly used can help you upload  your exam in under 5 minutes. When you want to scan many pages, use the batch option to scan as a single pdf file.
Class participation helps the overall class in the learning process; the advantage with the remote learning environment is that you can participate privately through the chat tool; so, there are no excuses. Never come to class unprepared, and never sit idle. After each class meeting with no quiz or test, you will have to do a participation problem, and submit your answer through Canvas.  Tuesday problem must be submitted by Wednesday 2pm. That will count toward your participation grade.
5)  Your FIU ID Card will be required for each test; so be sure to get one before our first test due June 16.

How to login to Mylabsplus: Go to https://fiu-mlpui.openclass.com/ and login using your panther ID as the username. Use Forgot your password? link to create your password. If you already used Mylabsplus in your Calculus course (at FIU), you will have an automatic access to Mylabsplus . If it is the first time you will be using Mylabsplus, you must purchase an access code.
You can purchase an access code for MyLabsPlus at the FIU bookstore together with the textbook or as standalone item. Or you can purchase the code online directly from Pearson while attempting to use the MyLabsPlus site (valid credit card required) - this is the cheapest option. Please be advised that you MUST purchase a code with a specific ISBN or it will not work for the course. Note: Pearson can only support access codes purchased from the bookstore and directly through the publisher. Any issues that arise from materials purchased from a third-party vendor (Amazon, Chegg, eBay, etc) must be handled by that particular company. Access codes purchased through third-party vendors will not be replaced by Pearson. This policy includes stand alone access codes and access codes included within a packaged bundle.
If you are not able to purchase an access code immediately, you can use a temporary access code. A temporary access code can be obtained directly from the MylabsPlus site. A temporary access code is valid for ONLY 14 calendar days and it allows you to get started with your assignments on the first day of classes. After the code expires you will be prompted to enter the permanent code or purchase the code using a credit card. You will not be allowed to continue your course until a permanent code is entered. You cannot buy/enter a permanent code until the temporary code expires.

Expectations: After completing Chapter

12. I expect you to be able to:
 plot points in rectangular coordinates,  recognize point coordinates on a box,
 recognize the equation of a sphere, and solve basic problems involving spheres,
solve basic problems involving vectors, find the area of a parallelogram, the volume of a parallelepiped,  solve basic problems involving planes and lines,  recognize quadric surfaces through their equations, be able to draw rough sketch of quadric surfaces,  solve basic problems involving cylindrical or spherical coordinates.
13.   I expect  you to be able  to find the domain, and solve basic limits, continuity and integration prolems for vector-valued functions, find the arc length parameter, unit normal , tangent and binormal vectors on parametric curves, find the curvature of a curve, solve basic problems for motion along a curve.                               14.  I expect you to be able to  describe in words and sketch the domain of a function of two or three
variables, solve basic problems involving
  level curves and level surfaces,  solve basic
problems involving limits and continuity for
 functions with several variables,  find partial derivatives, show that a function of two/three
  variables is differentiable at a point, find
 partial derivatives using the chain rule or implicit
partial differentiation, find gradients and directional derivatives, find tangent planes and normal
 lines, solve basic optimization problems
 using the second partials test or Lagrange multipliers. 
15. I expect you to be able to evaluate simple double and triple integrals on rectangular regions
or with given integration limits,  find the area of  a described plane region or  the volume of a described  3-dimensional  region,
to solve basic integration problems involving polar, cylindrical or spherical coordinates,  solve basic integration problems involving a change of variables.
Blank space.
16. I  expect you to be  able to  solve basic problems
about vector fields,  evaluate line integrals involving piecewise smooth curves,  know the fundamental theorem of  line integrals, show that a vector field is conservative and find corresponding potential  functions, know Green's theorem, find surface areas and surface integrals, find the flux of a vector field across a given surface by using a surface integral or the divergence theorem, solve basic problems involving the Stokes' theorem.

Some old exams: Fall 06:  Test 1 Test 2  Test 3 Test3-solution Test 1 soln Test 2 soln   Spring 08: Test 1  Test2  Test 3     Spring 12: Test 1  Test 2

Recommendations: Begin to do your homework from today, May 12, till the last day of class. Set your goal for the course right from the beginning, and work tirelessly toward it; do not let anyone or anything divert you from your goal. Many students have trouble passing this course because there are many different notions to assimilate within one semester, let alone one short term. However, if you put the necessary effort into it, then you'll succeed. Be sure to always come to class well prepared to tackle the topic of the day; read the section(s) to be covered beforehand; doing this will make it easier for you to understand the material to be discussed in class. Do not fall behind; it might prove very difficult to catch up afterwards. Be sure to attend classes regularly, and to diligently deal with any questions or concerns you might have. Remember that I, the LA, and other free tutoring help are here to help you succeed; so do not be shy or afraid to ask questions about a notion that you do not understand; it is absolutely normal to not be able to catch every apple as it falls from the tree, but be sure to pick up those that have escaped your grasp. It is my responsibility to make sure that your questions and concerns are swiftly addressed to your satisfaction. Avoid being a passive learner; I expect you to be active in and outside the classroom by regularly coming to class well prepared, by doing the homework as we move along the sections, and by asking questions on concepts or homework problems that you find hard. To facilitate your progress with problem solving, it would be better to note down the homework problems that you could not solve as well as the reason why (maybe you did it and your answer was not the same as that of the solution manual, or you started and could not complete, or you did it differently than the solution manual and want to ckeck whether your approach is correct, or you could not even start); that would be very helpful when you raise questions about them. You will  acquire the necessary skills needed to successfully complete  this course by doing your homework daily. I will do my best to help you, and I expect you to do your best. Do not wait until the eve of a test to try to catch up on every thing; it would be too late. After  a quiz or test  has been graded, be sure to  discuss your mistakes with  me,  so that you do not make the same mistakes in subsequent quizzes or tests. "Never do tomorrow what you can do today. Proscratination is the thief of time''.  Always do your best, and there will be no sorrow afterward.

-  Attendance: 5% of course grade
- Class participation: 5% of course grade: you may be able to participate through the chat tool, and through Canvas answer submission of a participation problem.
- Weekly quizzes (May 14, May 21, May 28, June 04, June 11, June 18,  June 25, July 02, July 09, July 16, July 23)
- Two in-class exams  (Tuesday June 16,  Tuesday  July 14)
- Mylabsplus homework (optional):  5%
- Cumulative Final exam ( Thursday July 30
, the final exam might be held on Campus if the university is opened by then)

Attendance and class participation account each for 5% of your course grade. The eleven quizzes will make up 15%  or 20% of your course grade, the exams 40%, and the cumulative final exam 30%.  Your quiz grade will be worth 15% if you do all the Mylabsplus homework and submit on time, else your quiz grade will account for 20% of your course grade. The two exams and the final exam will last the whole class time, while each quiz will last about 15 minutes. Exams and quizzes will be administered on Zoom. Once your start an exam, you cannot leave the room until you're done. You will be required to produce a photo ID before taking any of the exams.  No calculators, or ipods, or pagers are allowed during the exams or class time; you are not allowed to use or check these devices during the exam or class time, they must be off. If need be, exam make ups will be held on Zoom as well. To qualify for a make up exam, students must demonstrate through proper documentation that missing the exam was due to events out of their control. Students that do not qualify for an exam make up get a zero for that exam.

Grading Scale:

00-49    F                      50-64    D       65-69   C                    
70-74   C+                    75-79    B-      80-84   B

85-89   B+                    90-94   A-      95-100  A

Academic Misconduct:  FIU is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Incomplete grades:

It is extremely difficult to qualify for an incomplete grade. An incomplete grade is not a substitute for a failing grade. In order to be considered for an incomplete grade, the student must have completed all assignments except for the final exam, and must be passing with a grade of C or better.

Important Dates: 
June 29  is the last date to drop the course with a DR  grade. It is of a great importance that you accurately assess your course performance prior to this date.
May 25: Memorial Day (University closed), and July 04: Independance Day (University closed).

Disclaimer:  The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus, should the need arises during the semester.