Mentoring is crucial for the creation of scientific knowledge, however, the research on mentor-specific education and development is scarce. For the last three years I have been doing research within Mentoring Academy at the University of Florida as a research assistant at the Clinical Translational Science Insitute (CTSI)
The first paper within this project titled “Exploring mentoring in the context of team science” has been accepted for publication in the NCPEA Publications journal Mentoring and Tutoring and is currently in press.
The second paper on mentors development is titled “Assessing mentor academy program effectiveness using mixed methods” and is currently under review.
The third paper titled “From contemplation to action: mechanisms of change in the mentoring academy” is currently ready for submission.
In this article we view mentor’s development as a journey through stages of change, proposed by Prochaska and DiClemente in their Transtheoretical Change Model (TTM; Prochaska, Norcross, & DiClemente, 2013).
These stages are noteworthy for the Mentor Academy programs developers as educators can provide relevant activities to address mentors’ knowledge gaps when they are aware of the stage of change that mentor is in.